21.11.2016r. - Model behaviour

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na wybiegu (x2)
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on the catwalk/runway
chodzić po wybiegu
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walk down the catwalk
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muskularne ciało
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muscular physique
powyżej średniej wysokości, wielki
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above-average height, grand
chude modelki (x2)
You need to extremely slim.
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skinny/thin models
jeść zdrowo / zbilansowana dieta
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eat healthily / balance diet
zdrowa cera
The first requirement, of course, is to have a beautiful or interesting face.
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healthy complexion
The first requirement, of course, is to have a beautiful or interesting face.
zagrażać zdrowiu
She was feeling very tired because she'd been working non-stop.
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put health at risk
She was feeling very tired because she'd been working non-stop.
mieć fioła na punkcie czegoś, nadawać się do robienia czegoś
You have to be mentally prepared to do catwalk work.
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by psyched up for sometching
You have to be mentally prepared to do catwalk work.
zarabiać 2.000 tygodniowo
Sometimes, she could make two or three thousand dollars in one week.
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make two grand in a week
Sometimes, she could make two or three thousand dollars in one week.
wydawać szybko pieniądze (x2)
She used to spend all the money.
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blow the money / spend fast
She used to spend all the money.
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Who don't want to be doing ad, they can be a real drag.
być posłusznym
You must do exacly as you are told.
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głupi (x3)
She thought the photographer's idea was stupid.
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She thought the photographer's idea was stupid.
zdenerwować się (x3)
The photographer went crazy when she disagreed with him.
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go nuts / get angry / see red
The photographer went crazy when she disagreed with him.
zachować zimną krew / uspokoić
You must be very tolerant of the people around you.
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keep your cool / calm down
mają trudny okres
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have a rough time
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intimidated by models
traktować kogoś jak głupiego
Some people treated her like an idiot, someone shallow (płytkiego)
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treat somebody like an airhead
Some people treated her like an idiot, someone shallow.
potrząsać pośladkami
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shake my tush
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bić, znęcać się/zmuszać
Some of photographers can be boring or annoying.
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Some of photographers can be boring or annoying.
mimika twarzy
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facial expression
You mast be able to change your facial expression very quiclky.
ciepły uśmiech
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warm smile
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in addition to
She was very shy and in addition to, she was too short for the catwalk.
poza tym
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Besides her work in New Yorh, she travelled to Italy.
Ponadto, oprócz
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In addition
In addition her own apartment, she also had a lot of independence.
co więcej
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what's more
Some photographers were very demanding. What's more, some of their ideas were stupid.
na dodatek
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on top of that
Her hair was dirty. On top of that she had a spot on her chin.
A także
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As well as
As well as being very curious, some people thought he was very strange.

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