23rd July 2014

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sposób wygłaszania (np. mowy, kwestii aktorskiej)
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his delivery is great
nie wiemy tego na pewno
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we don't know that for certain
pociągnąć kogoś do odpowiedzialności
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to bring (sb) to justice
polityczna ugoda
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political setelment
przepadło na zawsze
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gone for good
spalić kawał
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to kill a joke / to blow a joke
wypaczenie, zepsucie
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a perversion of the true meaning of democracy
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wypaczać, psuć
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to pervert
Genetic scientists are often accused of perverting nature. pervert the course of justice
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to unload, to unship, to discharge
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shipyard' dockyard
spocząć na laurach
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to rest on one's laurels
zagniatać ciasto
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to knead
wstawać, pobudka
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rise and shine
lukier, polew
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wyciszony telefon
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my phone is on silent
zielony z zazdrości
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green with envy
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a special sign that is used to show an emotion in email and on the Internet, often by making a picture. For example, the emoticon:-) looks like a smiling face and means that you have made a joke
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master of none; jack of all trades
ratownik pierwszej pomocy
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first aider
to be very eager and full of energy
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full of beans
uliczny artysta, grajek
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w bezpiecznych rękach
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In safe hands
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infinitive verb marker
zaprosić na wydarzenie
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to invite sb TO a party
zaprosić kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
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to invite sb FOR sth = for dinner (tfor a thing / o eat)
skontaktuj się z
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get in contact with
być beznadziejnym w
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be hopeless in
od dawna wiedzą
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long known
kliknij NA
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click on sth
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jasne jak słońce
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as clear as day
film wszedł na ekrany wczoraj
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The film opened yesterday
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someone who has been given an important prize or honour, especially the NoBEL Prize.
razem z
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along with
if your attention centres on something or someone, or is centred on them, you pay more attention to them than anything else
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to centre on
The debate centred on funding for health services.
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to dispute
his theory was disputed by...
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at the time
greeted with skepticism at the time
czuciowy (dotyczący organów zmysłu)
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zaprzysiężony jako
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was sworn in as
długoletni przyjaciel
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a lifelong friend
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by means of which
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z upływem dnia
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over the course of a day
eugenika; the belief and practice of improving the genetic quality of the human population
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przekazać coś komuś
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to communicate sth TO sb
za pośrednictwem
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by means of something
dla niewprawionego oka / ucha
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to the untrained eye/ear
żmudna praca
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painstaking work

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