25th July 2014

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Domanda Risposta
iść sikać
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go for a pee/have a pee
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koniuszek jabłka
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tip apples
zrelaksowany, odprężony
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rażek ciastko
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zapisałam się na grupon
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I sing up for groupon
nie chcę zdradzić
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i don't want to give it away
ostrożny, podejrzliwy, nieufny, wymijający (np. wypowiedź)
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He was very cagey ABOUT the deal.
unwilling to tell people about your plans, intentions, or opinions
przebić coś
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to top sth
nosić coś poza domem
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to wear sth out
piżama góra i dół połączone
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pogrzebałam trochę
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I DID a little bit of research
a wracając do...
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speaking of
szeloki wachlarz...
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vastly different facets of
zachowywać, przechowywać
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A lot of information can be retained in your computer.
idealny dla samokształcenia
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ideal for self-study
użądliła mnie w ucho
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she got me on my ear
otwórzcie umysły
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open your minds, keep them open and change your perspective about
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let me giveyou a quick rundown on how pollination works
Connors promised to give me a rundown on local police activity.
a quick report or explanation of an idea, situation etc
przezimować; przechować przez zimę (np. roślinę)
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to overwinter
to live through the winter, or to make it possible for something to live through the winter
sprzeczny z intuicją
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wysoka śmiertelność
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great mortality
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jestem krok do przodu
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I'm a step beyond that
when interesting or valuable discoveries are made by accident
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immune booster
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non-profit venture
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to spread the word abut
wydział śledczy
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forensics department; investigation department
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did some science
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for many years now
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contribute to the environment
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to go extinct
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I've learnt a great deal of
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Detectives shadowed him for weeks.
bardzo dużo pieniędzy
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an awful amount of money
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siedlisko korupcji
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hive of corruption
placówki użyteczności publicznej
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public institutions
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office block BrE / office building
wstrząs anafilaktyczny
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anaphylactic shock
a very sudden serious physical reaction that is caused by an allergy to something such as nuts, eggs, or the sting of some insects. The reaction causes shock, breathing difficulties, and sometimes death

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