27.11.2017 - Opinions

 0    22 schede    anna.skulimowska
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Domanda English Risposta English
able to make you believe that something is true or right
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a convincing argument/explanation
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break the prejudices
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challenge the stereotypes
to change your opinion about something or start to doubt it
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have second thoughts
pain in muscles
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sore muscles
invented by Thomas Edison
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light bulb
a period of time during which someone works for a company or organization in order to get experience
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Jane has a summer internship at a local TV station
too fixed in one particular type of job, activity, method, etc., and needing to change
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stuck in a rut
I need to change jobs - after 15 years here I feel I'm stuck in a rut
a teacher who teaches a child outside of school in order to give the child extra help
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classes outside of school to get extra help
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to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money
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like to gamble when I play cards
to take a risk that something will happen
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gamble on sth
to risk money on someone or something winning a race or competition
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put money on sb/sth
the place where investors are meeting
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stock market
Investors were seriously worried when the stock market began to crash.
launch a rocket
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launch a missile
to try to deal with sth
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tackle sth
taking hold sb and making them fall
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tackle sb
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people from many different environments
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people from all walks of life
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visually impaired
to touch someone lightly with your fingers, making them slightly uncomfortable and often making them laugh
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feel uncomfortable when someone lightly touches your skin to make you laugh
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