27th Dec 2013

 0    17 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Pod koniec książki oni zaczęli mieszkać razem.
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At the end of the book they started living together.
te słuchawki
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these headphones
tabliczka czekolady
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a bar of chocolate
para skarpetek
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a pair of socks
para spodni
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a pair of trousers
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od Wigilii
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since Christmas Eve
na okładce
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on the cover
To jest trudne zadanie do wyykonania.
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It is a difficult task to do.
to są pieniądze za twoją pomoc.
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this is money for your help.
policja ściga ktyminalistę.
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the police are chasing a criminal.
to nie twoja sprawa
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it's not your business.
przestań plotkować
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stop gossiping.
Ona cię lubi. (f)
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She's fond of you.
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przez Internet
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over the Internet
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hernia, rupture

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