27th July 2014

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to filter out
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sb's counterpart
wyrazić szczególną troskę o...
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to express particular concern about
obracać się przeciwko komuś
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to backfire
if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended
The company's new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit.
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diversification /dai/
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put/lay/pin/place the blame (for something) on somebody
rodzaj, gatunek, typ, odmiana
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znieść np. zakaz / prawo
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to waive
unieważnić, unieważniać, obalić, obalać (np. decyzję, wyrok)
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to make a contract or agreement ... so that it has no legal effect
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to void
w minionych latach
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in recent years ... have had
potwierdzony przez wiele źródeł
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This statement is supported by multiple sources
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odpowiedzialność in inglese
liability to do something
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z wielu powodów
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for a number of reasons
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a British motorway (=large, fast road) that goes all around London, which is also called the London Orbital on signs
zielona przestrzeń
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green space
stać na górze czegoś
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to stand atop sth

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