28th Sept 2014

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wpływ jaki możemy wywrzeć na
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the impact we can make with
naciskać na coś
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insist that ... / insist on sth
napalić w piecu
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fire the stove
a wood-burning stove
a thing used for heating a room or for cooking, which works by burning wood, coal, oil, or gas:
zmrużyć oczy
zezować BrE
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to squint
to have each eye looking in a slightly different direction
bruzda (w skórze); koleina, bruzda w ziemi
zmarszczyć np. czoło
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Quin's brow furrowed in concentration. the regular furrows of a plowed field
to furrow
lepiej zapobiegać niż leczyć
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prevention is always better than cure
być tragicznym w skutkach
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take one's toll
Years of smoking have taken their toll on his health.
a very bad effect that something has on something or someone over a long period of time
działać cuda
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to work wonders
dieta (zasady odżywiania i ćwiczeń gimnastycznych)
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(skin care) regimen
w porze snu
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at bedtime
to move the muscles in your face in a way that makes your eyes seem narrow
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scrunch up your face/eyes
happening every night
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nightly; the nightly talk show
pomarszczone czoło
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shar-pei-like forehead
osoba śpiąca na boku
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zmarszczki, które powstają w czasie snu
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sleep-induced wrinkling
spięty, drażliwy, zdenerwowany
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a taut smile
showing signs of worry, anger etc and not relaxed = tense
zmarszczyć brwi
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to frown
robić coś od czasu do czasu
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to do sth on and off
zdjąć pięć lat z czyjejś twarzy
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to take 5 years off sb's face
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jędrny in inglese
She exercises every day to keep herself supple.
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liściasty, ulistniony (o roślinie) / zielony, pełen zieleni (o terenie)
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leafy greens
a leafy suburb
having a lot of trees and plants
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