29th Oct 2014

 0    8 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
zachorować na coś
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to come down with sth
He came down with flu two weeks ago.
na cmentarzu
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At the cemetery
NEVER: on the cemetery
pojechaliśmy tam tylko na jeden dzień
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we went there FOR only one day
w tym roku
w tym tygodniu
w tym miesiącu
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this year
this week
this month
jak to się nazywa?
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what is it called?
NEVER: how is it called?
zróbmy imprezę
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let's throw a party
brać udział w czymś
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to take part IN sth / to participate IN sth
NEVER: to take part / participate ON sth
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that's why

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