30 Skipper

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Domanda English Risposta English
to enable sb to do sth
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to make it possible for sb to do sth
engrossed in sth
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paying all your attention to sth (a book, a film, your work, your own thoughts, etc)
to enlist in the army
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to join (the army/navy/airforce voluntarily [Note: to enlist the help of sb: to get sb to help]
to entail
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(formal) to make it necessary to
to entail sb to sth
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to give sb the right to have sth
to envisage
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to expect
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not important or relevant; immaterial comes after a noun and generally follows the verb to be
immune to sth
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if you are immune to a particular illness or disease, you cannot catch it (because you have a natural resistance to it, or because you have been vaccinated against it) [Note: immune from prosecution: cannot be arrested or charged with a crime]
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perfect and without faults
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rude and disrespectful; impertinent can go before or after a noun, generallywith the verbto be
impervious to sth
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not bothered or affected by sth
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not very convincing and probably not true
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: big and impressive
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without advanced preparation or practice; generally used before a noun
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doing things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first

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