4 test your English - test 22

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a slave to fashion
She's a slave to fashion.
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niewolnikiem mody, to be influenced too much by something:
to set a trend
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ustawić tendencję
off the peg
an off-the-peg suit
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... clothes are made and bought in standard sizes and not made especially to fit a particular person:
ahead of your time
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wyprzedza swój czas
up-to-the-minute fashion; up-to-the-minute news
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modern, containing all the most recent information:
on the high street
There's a new Italian restaurant opening on the high street. There are signs of economic recovery in the high street.
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main street glowna ulica handlowa, a street where the most important ashops and businesses in a town are:, business done in shops:
to be dressed to kill
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być ubrany zabić, intentionally wearing clothes that attract sexual attention and admiration
be (all) the rage
Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.
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to be very popular at a particular time:
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brzeg, rąbek
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shoestring, shoelace
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sznurowadło, sznurowadło
bursting at the seams
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pękają w szwach
cloak sth in secrecy
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to keep sth in secret
off the cuff
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without allowing someone time to prepare (praiwe jak z marszu)
on a shoestring
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biednie, do it with a very small amount of money:
feather in your cap
The award was another feather in his cap.
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an achievement to be proud of:
high street
Her clothes are a mixture of haute couture and high street. high-street fashion
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used to describe clothes that can be bought in ordinary shops in ordinary cities and towns, rather than being specially made by fashion designers:
without frills
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bez ozdobników
a cheap airline, with no frills a basic computer with few frills
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extra things that are added to something to make it more pleasant or more attractive, but that are not necessary: (falbanka?)
It's a no-frills store supplying only basic goods at affordable prices. a no-frills airline
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A ... product or a service is basic and has no extra or unnecessary details:
put sb in a straitjacket
He refused to be fitted into any ideological straitjacket.
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mething that severely limits development or activity in a way that is damaging:
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surowo, srogo, dotkliwe
I'm tired of all these cloak-and-dagger (= secretive) meetings - let's discuss the issues openly.
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secret sth; used to describe an exciting story involving secrets and mystery, often about spies, or something that makes you think of this:
hem sb in
When they reached Trafalgar Square, the demonstrators were hemmed in by the police.
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to surround someone and prevent them from moving or doing what they want to do: ((be trapped?)
to be hand in glove with someone
It was rumoured at the time that some of the gangs were working hand in glove with the police.
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być w parze z kimś, working together, often to do something dishonest:
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skąpy / kusy
dress-down day (n)
In the US, where dress-down Fridays have been common for years, bosses noted that productivity rose with the relaxed atmosphere.
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n some organizations, a day when employees can wear more informal clothes:
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niemodny, old-fashioned and boring
a dress do
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to dress in formal way
Colin's having a bit of a do for his 50th birthday. It was one of those dos where nobody really knew each other.
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a party or other social event:
Paula's wearing a very snazzy pair of shoes! He designs snazzy new graphics for software packages.
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odlotowy, szykowny, modern and stylish in a way that attracts attention:
power outfit
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for a woman: tailored suit with smart high-heeled shoes

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