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Domanda English Risposta English
winić kogoś za coś
Please don't __ Jill_ _ it. She __ herself __ everything that went wrong.
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to blame sb for sth
Please don't blame Jill for it. She blamed herself for everything that went wrong.
świnka morska
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guinea pig
He __ to report her to the police.
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to threaten
He threatened to report her to the police.
I was scared he would carry out his __ (= do what he said he would do).
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I was scared he would carry out his threat.
to say or do something to someone that is rude and offensive
How dare you __ me in front of my friends! (obrażać, znieważać)
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to insult
How dare you insult me in front of my friends!
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swear word
He was sent home because he __ at the teacher.
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to swear
He was sent home because he swore at the teacher (swear - swore - sworn)
He could hardly control his __.
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He could hardly control his fury.
nie przesadzaj
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don't exaggerate
to mention something [IDM]
Women, however, are quite happy to __ relationship matters that they would like to change.
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to bring up
Women, however, are quite happy to bring up relationship matters that they would like to change. __ Why did you have to bring that problem up? Then they brought up the question of money.
nie krzycz
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don't raise your voice
to postpone [phrasal verbs]
I hate to keep __ you __, but we are not ready to deal with you yet. I had to __ the plumber again. He really wants his money.
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to put off
I hate to keep putting you off, but we are not ready to deal with you yet. I had to put off the plumber again. He really wants his money.
popierać kogoś, wspomagać kogoś (phrasal verbs)
My family __ me __ in my fight for compensation.
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to back sb up
My family backed me up in my fight for compensation - I can only argue properly when I have all the evidence to back up my argument ready to use, but I'm too lazy to do that.
zmienić zdanie
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to change the subject
dotkliwy, bolesny
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zalewając się łzami
I'll be __
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in floods of tears
I'll be in floods of tears.
łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić, łatwo się mówi
But of course __
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easier said than done
But of course it's easier said than done
trzymać rzeczy pod kontrolą
it's important to __
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keep things under control
it's important to keep things under control
mylić się, ponosić winę, zawinić
If you're the person who's __ just admit it!
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to be in the wrong
If you're the person who's in the wrong just admit it!
suddenly become very angry
I __ the children this morning (stracić panowanie nad sobą)
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lose your temper (with sb)
I lost my temper with the children this morning.
wziąć głęboki oddech
stop for a moment and __
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to take a deep breath
stop for a moment and take a deep breath
trzymać się tematu
It's also very important to __
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to stick to the point
It's also very important to stick to the point
osiągnąć porozumienie
There's much more chance that you'll be able to __
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to reach an agreement
There's much more chance that you'll be able to reach an agreement (reach a decision/agreement/conclusion)
radzić sobie z konfliktami
__ is an important part of any relationship
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dealing with conflicts
dealing with conflicts is an important part of any relationship
I would prefer to
I would prefer not to go to the party if my ex is going to be there. (would prefer + to + infinivite)
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I would rather
I would rather go to the party if my ex is going to be there (would rather + infinitive)
I'd rather you didn't smoke in here, if you don't mind
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We can also use would rather + person + past tense to talk about what we would prefer another person to do.
Nie przyzwyczaiłem się do spania z kołdrą
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I'm not used to sleeping with a duvet.
Nie mogę się przyzwyczaić do pracy w nocy.
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I can't get used to working at night.
the opposite of must have is
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can't have
cel - the person or thing that people are criticizing or blaming for something
The commenter and the person who is the ___ their anger are not actually in the same room.
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target of
The commenter and the person who is the target of their anger are not actually in the same room.
When he was a child he used to get into a __ when he didn't get what he wanted.
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When he was a child he used to get into a rage when he didn't get what he wanted.
wątek - a group of pieces of writing on the Internet in which people discuss one subject
Internet __ are often dominated by a small number of angry people
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Internet threads are often dominated by a small number of angry people

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