9-11 May, 2016

 0    20 schede    ewelina.angielski.inaczej
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Domanda Risposta
dobre samopoczucie
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nigdy nie wiadomo
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you never know
Co robisz? (teraz)
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What are you doing?
Czym się zajmujesz? (na codzień)
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What do you do?
Jestem w stanie...
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I'm able to...
Nie jestem w stanie...
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I am not able to ... / I can't...
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be promoted
narzekać na
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complain about
Poprosiłem o jej numer
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I asked for her number
Poproszę o wskazówki
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I will ask for directions
Zapytałem o jej rodzinę
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I asked about her family
Zdarza się
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It happens
Nigdy nie mów nigdy
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Never say never
Mam coś dla ciebie
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I have something for you
Nie znam nikogo
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I know nobody. I don't know anybody
Masz coś dla mnie? Masz cokolwiek dla mnie?
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Do you have something for me? Do you have anything for me?
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