9.11.2017 - Personality 2

 0    26 schede    anna.skulimowska
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Domanda English Risposta English
someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily
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someone who is doing analysis
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similar to loneliness, but in positive meaning
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people who make statements that are too general and do not consider all the facts
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sweeping generalisers
people who find faults in details that are not important
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unable to stop thinking about small details
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someone who wants to have or do something all the time
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furniture which you can assemble at home
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flat-pack furniture
the particular conditions of a situation, the actual facts
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used for saying that it is not important which of two possibilities is true
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whether or not
Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight
kind and helpful
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careful, not to take risks
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relaxed and not easily upset
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someone whose mood often changes very suddenly
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likely to do something suddenly, without considering the results of your actions
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sociable, someone who like to be with other people
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one bad person who has a bad effect on all others in the group
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rotten apple
an unpredictable person who may cause damage if he/she is not controlled
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loose cannon
a person who lives a sedentary lifestyle, never doing any exercise
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couch potato
a negative person who ruins other people's good time
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wet blanket
an important, influential person
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big cheese
someone who is strong enough to deal with difficult or violent situations
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tough cookie
someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during social occasions
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the life and soul of the party
food characteristic of or associated with a particular locality or area
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local delicacy
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pork scratching
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tenement house

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