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They met me at the airport.
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Spotkali mnie na lotnisku.
Do you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol?
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Czy palisz papierosy albo pijesz alkohol.
They are very much alike
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Oni so bardzo podobni(do siebie)
The miners are still alive.
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Gurnicy so w ciorz rzywi.
That's all she said.
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To wszystko co powiedziala.
Do your parents allow you to go out alone?
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Czy rodzice pozwalajo ci samemu wychodzic (z domu)
I've almost finished this book.
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Prawie skonczylem te ksionrzke.
I have almost finished this job.
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Mam prawie skonczona te prace.
Leave me alone!
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Zostaw mnie samego.
Every evening I walked along the beach.
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Co wieczur spacerowalem wzdlurz plarzy
She already left.
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Ona jurz wyszla.
I also speak a little Spanish.
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Muwie takrze troche po hiszpansku.
My daughter went to school although she was ill.
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Moja curka poszla do szkoly chociarz byla chora.
Peter is always late.
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Piotr zawsze sie spuznia.
I am a good student.
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Jestem dobrym studentem, uczniem.
The Russian ambassador to Poland didn't appeare at the meeting.
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Rosyjski ambasador w Polsce nie pojawil sie na spotkaniu.
Call an ambulance!
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Wezwij karetke, ambulans.
I'm flying to America this wekend.
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Lece do Ameryki w ten weekend.
I don't like the American accent.
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Nie lubie amerykanskiego akcentu.
There are three children among the passengers.
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Wsrud pasarzeruw jest trujka dzieci.
It will cost a huge amoust of money.
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To bedzie kosztowalo ogromna sume pieniendzy.
His joke amused everybody.
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Jego rzart rozbawil wszystkich.

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