A90 22.04.2015

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Domanda Risposta
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miód pitny
drink drank
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I drank mead.
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Piłem miód.
I will take my clients to the club.
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Zabiorę klientów do klubu.
I will go somewhere else.
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Pójdę gdzieś indziej.
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They will not notice.
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Nie zauważą.
I am afraid of spiders. But I have Off.
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Boję się pająków. Ale mam Offa.
climb climbed
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wspinać się
I climbed Rysy.
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Wspiąłem się na Rysy.
It was a lot of snow.
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Było dużo śniegu.
Job routines:
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Codzienne obowiązki zawodowe:
submit the documents
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złożyć dokumenty
I submitted the documents
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Złożyłem dokumenty.
I had to
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prepare prepared
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I prepared an offer.
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Przygotowałem ofertę.
send sent
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I sent an email.
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wysłałem maila.
I sent an email with sales report.
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Wysłałem maila z raportem sprzedaży.
visit visited
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I visited 25 clients last week.
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Odwiedziłem 25 klientów
train trained
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I trained them.
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Szkoliłem ich.
write wrote
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I wrote a report.
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Napisałem raport.
read read
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I read a contract.
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Przeczytałem umowę.
meet met
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spotkać, poznać
I met my client.
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Spotkałem się z klientem.
make phone calls
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dzwonić, ronić rozmowy
I made a lot of phone calls.
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Dużo dzwoniłem wczoraj.
have coffee
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'mieć' kawę
I had 3 coffees.
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Wypiłem 3 kawy.
call called
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I called my boss.
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Zadzwoniłem do szefa.
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must had to
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go went
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I went to the client.
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Pojechałem do klienta.
check checked
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I checked the quantity of ordered products.
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Sprawdziłem ilość zamówionych produktów.
plan planned
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I planned trucks for shipment.
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Zaplanowałam ciężarówki do wysyłki.
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confirm confirmed
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John confirmed the meeting.
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John potwierdził spotkanie.
complete completed
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I completed the documents.
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Skompletowałam dokumenty.
according to
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zgodnie z
according to the invoice
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zgodnie z fakturą
speak spoke
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I spoke with my forwarders.
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Gadałam ze spedytorami.
I spoke with the boss.
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Gadałem z szefem.
I know her.
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Znam ją.
I know him.
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Znam go.
I know them.
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Znam ich.
I like them.
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Lubię ich.
I – me
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ja – mnie
Do you like me?
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Lubisz mnie?
you – you
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ty – cię
I like you.
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Lubię cię
he – him
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on – go
I like him.
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Lubię go.
she – her
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ona – ją
I like her.
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Lubię ją.
it – it
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to – to
I like it.
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Lubię to.
we – us
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my – nas
Do you like us?
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Lubisz nas?
Join us!
wy – was
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Przyłącz się do nas / przysiądź się. you – you
they – them
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oni - ich
The Beatles? I like them!
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Beatlesi? Lubię ich!

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