Activate! B2 strona 58

 0    15 schede    kamilaleciejewska
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Domanda English Risposta English
mieć zaległości
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fall behind with
not finish something by the time you need to
przebić się przez/ zdać
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get through
pass a test
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hand in
give homework/assignments to you teacher
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work out
plan a good way of doing something
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catch up
reach the same standard as other people
ledwo zdać
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get by
only just succeed
robić dalej/ kontynuować
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get on with
continue doing something in order to make progress
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put off
delay doing something
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próba / test
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genialny występ
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a brillant performance
zarabiać na życie
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make for a living
uczyć się na pamięć
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learn by heart
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przystępować do egzaminu
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take an exam

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