Advanced English words that start with "H"

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Domanda English Risposta English
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a person who will get the possessions of another person after their death
The heir to the throne is intelligent and brave.
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an idea that explains something that is not proved
The hypothesis of this research is unclear.
to get out of hand
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to need a lot of effort to be controlled
The fire got out of hand, now even the fire fighters are having a hard time controlling it.
to lay one's hands on something
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to touch something violently or find something
I'm telling you Gary, do not lay your hands on my turtle.
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behaving in a not normal way because of drugs
After having smoked some weed, he was high as a kite.
to hop
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to move by jumping on one foot
The little girls hopped their way to class.
with bare hands
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without any specific tools
He built that amazing shed with his bare hands.
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"Advanced English: C1&C2 level"
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