Advanced English words that start with "Q" and "R"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to recur
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to happen several times
Eating cheese before bed will make you have recurring nightmares.
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accepting new ways and opinions
My boss was very receptive towards my revolutionary ideas.
to refrain
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to stop oneself from an action
I will refrain myself from giving an opinion on this matter.
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limiting and controlling the behaviour
I was proud that I showed restraint and did not shout, even though I was called stupid.
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making a secret known
My mum had a revelation that the world was ending.
to raise fears
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to cause others to feel fear
Political instability always raises fears of recession.
a ray of hope
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a very small amount of hope that helps someone feel better
The plant started growing, which was a little ray of hope for us.
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"Advanced English: C1&C2 level"
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