Advanced English words that start with "M"

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Domanda English Risposta English
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a person that treats money and material things to be the most important things in life
He buys a new outfit for every event he goes to, he's such a materialist.
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a way to express something
I use my art as a medium for my emotions.
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something that intends to produce harm
I never had any malicious intent with my comment, sorry if it offended you.
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several companies combining into one
The merger was inevitable in order to stay in business.
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that does not forgive and is not kind
The dictator is known for being merciless.
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without thinking or having emotions, particularly because you do these actions daily/very option
My daily morning routine is done mechanically.
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confidence in a difficult and problematic situation
We wanted to boost morale, so we threw a pizza party.
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"Advanced English: C1&C2 level"
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