advanced grammar and vocabulary 4

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Domanda English Risposta English
to cause something, especially a problem or difficulty
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to pose Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone. The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers
to put two or more things into a straight line
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ALIGN When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire! Align the ruler and the middle of the paper and then cut it straight.
komórka macierzysta
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stem cell
someone who has done something wrong; a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening
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CULPRIT Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits. Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits.
to agree to do what people have asked you to do
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to ACCEDE to sth He graciously acceded to our request. It is doubtful whether the government will ever accede to the nationalists' demands for independence. accede to the throne/accede to power to become king or queen, or to take a position of power The diaries were written in 1837 when Queen Victoria acceded to the throne.
the return of objects stolen or lost, rekompensata
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sb or something that represents a quality or an idea exactly
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embodiment He was the embodiment of the English gentleman. She was portrayed in the papers as the embodiment of evil.
an extremely strong feeling of dislike
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HATRED What is very clear in these letters is Clark's passionate hatred of his father. The motive for this shocking attack seems to be racial hatred.
to start a journey; to st off; wyruszać, ruszać
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START OUT We're starting out next month. I can't wait! Wyruszamy w przyszłym miesiacu. Nie mogę się doczekać!
besztać kogoś
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tick sb off pot.
to give something you were given, to feel or act in a way someone acted towards you; odwzajemniać
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RECIPROCATE Her feelings were not reciprocated. Jej uczucia pozostały nieodwzajemnione
to make others rebel; podburzać, podżegać, zachęcać
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INCITE The crowds were incited to protest. Tłumy zostały podburzone do protestu.
to do sth such as a piece of writing hurriedly, without effort; nagryzmolić, nabazgrać, odwalić na kolanie
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DASH DOWN/ OFF No wonder he's so self-confident if he's getting high marks for whatever he dashes off. Nic dziwnego, że jest taki pewny siebie, skoro dostaje dobre oceny za wszystko, co odwali na kolanie.
to remove the good or bad effects of an action or several actions
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UNDO I did a really tough aerobics class and then went out for a meal and undid (all) the good work! It's very difficult to undo the damage that's caused by inadequate parenting in a child's early years.
the part of something that is left after the other parts have gone, been used, or been taken away
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REMAINDER I ate most of it and gave the remainder to the dog. It rained the first day but the remainder of the trip was lovely
unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race, religion, or political beliefs
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PERSECUTION They left the country out of fear of persecution. refugees escaping from political persecution
a vertical structure like a thin wall which separates one part of a room or building from another
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PARTITION The partitions between the toilets were very thin.
(the use of) a clever trick or something intended to deceive
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ARTIFICE Amazingly for Hollywood, she seems almost entirely without artifice.
for the present time but likely to change; temporary
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PROVISIONAL a provisional government These dates are only provisional.
to drag someone to a place; zaciągnąć (kogoś dokądś)
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HAUL UP They hauled me up to the stinky dwelling. Zaciągnęli mnie do smrodliwego mieszkania.
przestrzelić komuś głowę
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blow sb's brain out
to sound, to be heard; rozbrzmiewać, brzmieć, rozchodzic się (o dźwięku)
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RESOUND Suddenly, a terrible noise resounded throughout the whole building. Nagle okropny hałas rozszedł się po całym budynku.
able to work or last for a long time; trwały, solidny, mocny
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DURABLE The device was made of durable materials. Urządzenie wykonano z trwałych materiałów.
to run quickly with a purpose; popędzić, pognać
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DASH AWAY She dashed away in order to catch the bus. Pognała na autobus.

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