Aneta 15th Dec 2014

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Domanda Risposta
to moja wina
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my bad/ it was my fault
na jak długo?
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for how long?
mój przyszły mąż
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my future husband
on jest beze mnie
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he is without me
on tęskni za mną
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he is missing me / he misses me
tęsknić za kimś
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to miss sb
czy tęsknisz za swoją rodziną?
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do you miss your family?
Tęsknię za domem.
Czy tęsknisz za domem?
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I'm homesick.
Are you homesick?
szczerze mówiąc
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honestly / to be honest
nauczyciel historii
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a history teacher
bilet na koncert
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a ticket TO a concert
w pobliżu czegoś
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in the vicinity of sth
I live in the vicinity of Warsaw.
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cottage cheese / curd
I have never eaten cepeliny with curd.
w przyszłości
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in the future
w przeszłości
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in the past
kształtować / formować (np. cepeliny)
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to form sth
dla niego
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for him
tabela, stół
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tablica w szkole
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grandmother, granny
w centrum czegoś
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in the centre of sth
W moim pokoju są dwa krzesła.
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There are two chairs in my room.
There is one table in my room.
W mojej szkole jest dwustu uczniów.
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There are two hundred students in my school...
W mojej szkole był tylko jeden nauczyciel historii.
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There was only one history teacher in my school.
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rozejrzyj się po swoim pokoju
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look around your room
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wardrobe, closet
sofa w kwiaty
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a flowery sofa
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Musiałam obejrzeć filmik o jedzeniu.
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I had to watch a video about food.
Zjadłam obiad o trzeciej.
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I had dinner at 3.
to jest kanapka z szynką
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it's a ham sandwich
Zjadłam kanapkę z serem.
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I ate/had a cheese sandwich.
Zrobiłam obiad wczoraj
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I made my lunch yesterday.
Wolę herbatę niż kawę.
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I prefer tea TO coffee.
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to prepare
It is fairly formal to say that someone prepares a meal. It is more usual to say that they make a meal: Bella was making dinner.
babka ziemniaczana
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potato pie
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the day BEFORE yesterday
the day AFTER tomorrow
miesiąc miodowy
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We went to Italy on our honeymoon.
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