Angielski test 8.05

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to be an early bird
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być rannym ptaszkiem
to be a slave driver
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być wyzyskiwaczem (despotyczny)
to be the salt of the earth
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być solą ziemi (dobrym człowiekiem)
to be a killjoy/ wet blanket
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być ponurakiem
the life and sould of the party
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być duszą towarzystwa
a windbag
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być nudziarzem
a busybody
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być wścibskim
a trouble-maker
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często wpadać w kłopoty
a wet blanket
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być ponurakiem
a couch potato
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być leniem kanapowym
a cold fish
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być zimną rybą
as hard as nails
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być twardzielem lub gruboskórnym
a pain in the neck
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być wrzodem na tyłku
to have to a chip on her shoulder
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być przewrażliwionym
his heart is in the right place
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być empatycznym i życzliwym
a night owl
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być nocnym markiem
an awkward customer
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trudnym w kontaktach klientem
as stubborn as a mule
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być upartym jak osioł
a real know-all
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pozjadać wszystkie rozumy
a high-flyer
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być ambitnym dzieckiem szczescia skazany na sukces
a bit of a loner
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być samotnikiem
a wallflower
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być dziewczyną podpierająca filary na potańcówie
a gatecrasher
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wpraszać się na imprezę
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mtn range
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łańcuch górski
plummet down
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spadać gwałtownie
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densely populated/
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gęsto zaludniony
in close proximity to
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bliska odległość do
as the crow flies
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w lini prostej
heavily forested
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gęsto zalesiony
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off the coast
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u wybrzeży
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it's situated in central/southern/western Poland
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znajduje sie to w centralnej Polsce
to have itchy feet
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nie móc usiedzieć w miejscu
to be bitten by the travel bug
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złapać bakcyla do podróżowania
to go as a independent traveller
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wyruszyć jako niezależny podróżnik
to experience culture shock
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doświadczyć szoku kulturowego
to go/be taken into uncharted territory
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wyruszyć w nieodkreyte tereny
to wander around
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włóczyć się
on a peninsula
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na półwyspie
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it is in the N/S etc
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znajduje się to na północy
to be petrified of
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być przerażonym
i ti s 50 kil to the north of Warsaw
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znajduje się to 50 km na północ od warszawy
It lies on the coast/on the Vistula river
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leży u wybrzeży/nad rzeką
it's 3 hours by car from LA
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to jest 3 godziny drogi od LA
it boarders Germany in the west
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to graniczy z Niemcami od zachodu
his bark is worse than his bite
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niy tak diobeł stroszny jak go malujom
actions speak louder than words
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What you do is more significant than what you say
you shouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched
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nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słońca
many hands make light work
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If everyone helps with a large task, it will get done easily and quickly
too many cooks spoil the broth
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psuje bulion + tam gdzie kucharek
it never rains but it pours
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nieszczescia chodza parami
the more the merrier
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something that you say which means you are happy for other people to join your group in an activity
a bad workman always blames his tools
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something that you say when someone blames the objects they are using for their own mistakes
make a mountain out of a molehill
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Cliché to make a major issue out of a minor one; to exaggerate the importance of something
When the cat's away the mice will play
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When no one in authority is present, the subordinates can do as they please
No news is good news
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Not hearing any news signifies that nothing is wrong
strike while the iron is hot
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kuć póki żelazo gorące
more haste - less speed
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kto sie spieszy tam sie diabel cieszy
One good turn deserves another
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If someone does you a favor, you should do a favor for that person in return
I suppose it's never too late to mend
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to return nigdy nie jest za pozno
give it time. rome wasn't built in a day
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nie od razu rzym zbudowano
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