angielski zdania i zwroty 1

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Domanda Risposta
A pilot flies planes.
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Pilot lata samolotami.
A chef cooks in a restaurant.
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Kucharz gotuje w restauracji.
A nurse looks after people in hospital.
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Pielęgniarka opiekuje się ludźmi w szpitalu.
A lawyer helps people in court.
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Prawnik pomaga ludziom w sądzie.
An actor makes films.
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Aktor robi filmy. (gra w filmach)
A journalist writes for a newspaper.
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Dziennikarz pisze do gazety.
A model wears beautiful clothes.
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Modelka nosi śliczne ubrania.
An architect designs buildings.
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Architekt projektuje budynki.
A shop assistant sells things.
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Sprzedawca sprzedaje rzeczy.
at the weekend
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podczas weekendu
at work
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w pracy
at school
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w szkole
at the bus stop
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na przystanku autobusowym
at university
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na uniwersytecie
at party
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na imprezie
go by bus
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jechać autobusem
go by train
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jechać pociągiem
go by taxi
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jechać taksówką
on foot
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to the seaside
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nad morzem
to the mountains
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w górach
surf the internet
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przeglądać internet
ride a bike
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jeździć rowerem
Where there?
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Czy były, byli?
No, there weren't
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Nie, nie były, byli
fish in oil
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ryby w oleju
in the forest
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w lesie
on the corner
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na rogu
on the left
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po lewej stronie
on the right
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po prawej stronie
in the corner
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w rogu
just round the corner
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za rogiem
a vase of flower
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wazon z kwiatami
over there
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straight ahead
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prosto przed siebie
in front of
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near here
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w pobliżu
opposite direction
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przeciwna strona
hardly ever
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prawie nigdy
check spellings
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sprawdzać pisownię
feel ill
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czuć się chorym
fall in love
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zakochać się
play chess
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grać w szachy
write poetry
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pisać poezję
how well?
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jak dobrze?
quite well
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dość dobrze
mediterranean food
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jedzenie śródziemnomorskie
present simply
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teraźniejszy prosty
past simply
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przeszły prosty
have a bath
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wziąć kąpiel

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