basic phrases

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a change for the better
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zmiana na lepsze
a change for the worse
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zmiana na gorsze
a drop in the bucket
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kropla w morzu
a great deal of something
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dużo czegoś
a lame excuse
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kiepska wymówka
a matter of life and death
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sprawa życia i śmierci
a piece of cake
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a question of taste
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kwestia gustu
a race against time
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wyścig z czasem
a run of bad luck
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zła passa
a run of good luck
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dobra passa
a stone's throw (away)
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blisko, o rzut kamieniem
a storm broke
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rozpętała się burza
a stroke of luck
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szczęśliwy traf
a tough nut to crack
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twardy orzech do zgryzienia
a window of opportunity
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niepowtarzalna okazja
accept an offer
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przyjąć ofertę
accept the fact that
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pogodzić się z faktem, że
accidents will happen
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wypadki chodzą po ludziach
according to the custom
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zgodnie ze zwyczajem
achieve a goal
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osiągnąć cel

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