BBC Learning English Linghack 7 June 2016

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niepokój, wzburzenie
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protesty w sprawie rządowch planów reformy prawa pracy
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over the government's plans to reform labour laws
impas, martwy punkt
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a stand-off
impas, martwy punkt
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a deadlock
angry or unhappy situation where two groups of people cannot agree
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a bitter stand-off
wycofać się, to admit defeat; to take back a demand, an opinion, etc. that other people are strongly opposed to
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withdraw, then admit defeat; to take back a demand, an opinion, etc. That other people are strongly opposed to
Ona odmówiła ustąpienia w sprawie zasad postępowania.
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She refused to She refused to back down on a point of principle.
prosperujący, kwitnący
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stąd, więc
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