Bednarski - Tatiana - Lista 4

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Domanda Risposta
natarcie (posuwanie się naprzód)
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Advances (the forward movement of a group of people, especially armed forces)
atak z powietrza
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an airstrike
strty w ludziach
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casualties (people who are killed or injured in war or in an accident)
straty w lutności cywilnej
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civilian casualties
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civilian (connected with people who are not members of the armed forces or the police)
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coalition (a group formed by people from several different groups, to work together for a particular purpose)
siły koalicyjne
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coalition forces
troska (zmatrwienie)
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a concern (a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by many people)
dowoty (materiały dowodowe)
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evidence (the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true)
wynik (rezultat, odkrycie)
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findings (information that is discovered as the result of research into something)
wynik śledztwa
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findings of an investigation
siły zbrojne (oddziały)
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forces (the army, navy, air force)
wstępne szacunki
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initial assessment
śledztwo (dochodzenie)
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investigation (an official examination of the facts about a situation, crime)
odnosząc się do
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referring to
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to battle (with)
prowadzić dochodzenie (śledztwo)
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to conduct an investigation
przeprowadzić (prowadzić, kierować
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to conduct (to organize and/or do a particular activity)
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to contest (to oppose formally because you think a statement or a decision is wrong)
eskalować przemoc
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to escalate violence
eskalować (nasilać, potęgować)
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to escalate (to become or make something greater, worse, more serious)
wyrazić troskę
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to express concern
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to express (to show or kame known a feeling, an opinion, by words, looks or actions)
wydac raport (opublikować)
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to release a report
okazać dowody
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to show evidence
zatrzymać natarcie
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to stem advances
powstrzymać (tamować)
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to stem (to stop sth that is flowing from spreading or increasing)
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violence (violent behaviour that is intended to hurt of kill somebody)
organy ścigania
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low enforcement agencies
rozprzestrzeniać się jak wirus
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go viral

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