Bogowie review

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(informal) of or like a soap opera; melodramatic; of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a soap opera
a kick
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a feeling of great pleasure, excitement, etc.; frajda, wielka przyjemność; synonym: thrill
judicious /dʒu’dɪʃəs/
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(used about a decision or an action) sensible and carefully considered; careful and sensible; showing good judgement; ▶ rozsądny, rozumny
a dollop /’dɒləp/
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a lump of soft food, often dropped from a spoon; kulka lodów,
a dollop /’dɒləp/
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miarka, łyżka (np. śmietanki)
kitsch /’kɪtʃ/
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popular art or design that is lacking in good taste and is too bright or sentimental in style; kicz, kiczowaty
strapping /’stræpɪŋ/
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(of people) big, tall and strong; na schwał

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