Brain training

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Executive functions
Executive functions (also known as cognitive control)
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funkcje wykonawcze
cognitive skill
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umiejętności poznawcze
Executive functions
Executive functions help you manage life tasks of all types. For example, executive functions let you organize a trip, a research project, or a paper for school.
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funkcje wykonawcze
Executive functions
What I meant was that people with autism usually have a lack of executive function.
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funkcje wykonawcze
cognitive reserve
the idea of building up extra abilities to help protect the brain against declining memory or thinking.
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zasoby poznawcze
put someone's mind at rest
put someone's mind at rest stop someone from worrying
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uspokajać kogoś
And did you know, Sophie, that scientists believe learning a second language can boost brainpower?
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nd that seems to exercise the sort of executive parts of our brain.
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praca wykonawcza
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kierownik, menager, pracownik na kierowniczym stanowisku
According to research, chocolate may enhance – or improve – cognitive performance, and that is your ability to acquire and utilize knowledge.
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According to research, chocolate may enhance – or improve – cognitive performance, and that is your ability to acquire and utilize knowledge.
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acquire and utilize knowledge
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nabywać i wykorzystywać wiedzę
This room is mainly utilized for training purposes. What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees?
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The definition of acquire means to get or to come into control of something. This person has acquired some money
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take something up
So even if people take up languages or take up other things later in life it will give them a degree of protection.
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zabierać się za coś/podejmować/skracać (np. o ubraniu)

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