british v american

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touch wood/knock on wood
chwalić się
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blow one's trumpet/blow(or toot) one's horn
przerywać pracę, przeszkadzać w pracy
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throw a spaner (in the works)/thraw a (wrench (in the works) monkey)
widzieć tylko ogóły/nie koncentrować sie na detalach
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see the wood for the trees/see the forest for the trees
ukrywać coś/zamiatać pod dywan
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sweep under the carpet/sweep under the rug
nie wiedzieć/nie mieć pomysł
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haven't got a clue/don't have a clue or have no clue
burza w szklance wody
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storm in a teacup/tempest in a teapot
trup w szafie
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sceleton in the cupboard/skeleton in the closet
kropla w morzu potrzeb
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a drop in the ocean/a drop in the bucket
nie chcieć miec cokolwiek spólnego z czyms
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not touch sthwith abargepole/not touch sth with a ten-fooot pole

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