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Je fais laver la voiture.
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I'm having the car washed.
The subject of the sentence makes something happen to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver
Il fait réparer la machine.
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He's having the machine repaired.
The subject of the sentence makes something happen to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver
Vas-tu faire désherber le jardin?
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Are you going to have the garden weeded?
The subject of the sentence makes something happen to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver
J'ai fait faire un gâteau.
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I had a cake made.
The subject of the sentence makes something happen to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver
Je fais écrire David.
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I'm making David write.
The subject makes the agent do something: subject + faire + infinitive + agent
Il fait manger sa sœur.
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He's making his sister eat.
The subject makes the agent do something: subject + faire + infinitive + agent
Les orages font pleurer mes enfants.
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Storms make my children cry.
The subject makes the agent do something: subject + faire + infinitive + agent
J'ai fait cuisiner André.
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I made Andre cook.
The subject makes the agent do something: subject + faire + infinitive + agent
Je fais laver la voiture par/à David.
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I'm having David wash the car.
The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à* + agent
Il fait réparer la machine par/à sa sœur.
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He's making his sister repair the machine.
The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à* + agent
Je vais faire faire un gâteau par/à André.
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I'm going to have Andre make a cake.
The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à* + agent
Vas-tu faire examiner les enfants par le/au médecin
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Are you going to have the doctor examine the kids?
The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à* + agent
Je me fais coiffer deux fois par mois.
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I get my hair done twice a month.
Il se fait apporter le café chaque matin.
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He has his coffee brought every day.
Vas-tu te faire expliquer le problème?
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Are you going to have someone explain the problem to you.
J'aimerais me faire faire un soin du visage.
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I'd like to get/have a facial.
S'est-elle fait expulser?
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Did she get kicked out?
Il s'est fait avoir.
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He was conned.
Fais gaffe, tu vas te faire renvoyer.
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Be careful, you're going to get (yourself) fired.
Nous nous sommes fait faire un détour par Paris.
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We were made to detour through Paris
J'espère ne pas me faire échauder.
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I hope I don't burn my fingers.
Attention, tu pourras te faire mouiller (s'il pleut).
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Careful, you might get wet (if it rains).
Le chien s'est fait renverser.
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The dog got run over.
Elle s'est fait tuer (par une infection virale).
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She was killed (by a viral infection).
Je fais écrire une lettre. > Je la fais écrire.
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I'm having a letter written. > I'm having it written.
Je fais écrire David. > Je le fais écrire.
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I'm having David write. > I'm having him write.
Je fais écrire une lettre par David. > Je la lui fais écrire.
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I'm having David write a letter. > I'm having him write it.
Il fait manger les pommes par sa fille. > Il les lui fait manger.
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He's making his daughter eat the apples. > He's making her eat them.
Nous faisons visiter la ferme à nos enfants. > Nous la leur faisons visiter.
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We have our children visit the farm. > We have them visit it.
Je me fais laver les cheveux. > Je me les fais laver.
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I'm having my hair washed. > I'm having it washed.
Peux-tu te faire faire la robe? > Peux-tu te la faire faire?
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Can you have the dress made? > Can you have it made?
Il a fait travailler les enfants. > Il les a fait travailler. (not "faits")
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He made the children work. > He made them work.
Normally when a compound tense is preceded by a direct object, there needs to be agreement (learn more). However, this is not the case with the causative, which has no direct object agreement.
J'ai fait étudier Christine. > Je l'ai fait étudier. (not "faite")
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I made Christine study. > I made her study.
Normally when a compound tense is preceded by a direct object, there needs to be agreement (learn more). However, this is not the case with the causative, which has no direct object agreement.

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