chapter 45-4

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Coś małego i ekonomicznego w uzytku.
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Something small and economical to run.
Nie za mały, coś komfortowego.
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Not too small, something comfortable
Bardzo popularny wśród młodych ludzi.
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Very popular with young people.
Chevrolet jest większy niż Beetle.
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The chevrolet is bigger than the Beetle.
Beetle nie jest tak szybki jak chevrolet.
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The Beetle isn't as fast as the Chevrolet.
po warunkiem (idiom)
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provided that or providing that
pod warunkiem
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on the condition that
w przeciwnym razie
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To nie ma znaczenia gdyż można na tyn polegać.
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It doesn't matter as long as it's reliable.
as long as
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provided that or because
Jest dużo szybszy niż ten stary. (chodzi o samochód)
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It's a lot faster than the old one.
Wyjedźmy z miasta.
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Let's get away from the city.
Zapomniałeś napełnić go na ostatniej stacji.
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You forgot to fill it up at the last gas station!
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refers to something which makes history or is remembered by history
Historyczne spotkanie pomiędzy Churchillem, Stalinem i Rooseveltem took place in Yalta.
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The historic meeting between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt took place in Yalta.
powieść historyczna
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a historical novel
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refers to something famaous or of superior quality.
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refers to something from an earlier time.
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steering wheel
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a compartment
Przednie światła pomagają nam widzieć przed siebie na ciemnych drogach.
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Headlights help us see ahead on dark roads.
tablica rejestracyjna (BR)
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a number plate
tablica rejestracyjna (US)
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a license plate
parking (BR)
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a car park
parking (US)
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a parking lot
ciężarówka (US)
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a truck
ciężarówka (BR)
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a lorry
Samochód mojego taty robi 75 mil na galonie.
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My dad's car deos 75 miles to the gallon.
szukać czegoś, próbować znaleźć lub pozyskać, informal
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to be after somebody or something
Szukam krawata pasującego do tej koszuli. (idiom)
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I'm after a tie to go with this shirt.
On chce zdobyć stanowisko Jane (idiom)
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He's after Jane's job (= wants it for himself).
przednia szyba
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wycieraczka samochodowa
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windscreen wiper
opona (US)
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opona (BR)
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To brzmi obiecująco.
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That sounds promising

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