collective nouns

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Domanda English Risposta English
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a gang of robbers
grapes / bananas / cherries / flowers
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a bunch of grapes / bananas / cherries / flowers
birds / sheep
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a flock of birds / sheep
cows/ buffalo / deer/ moose/ giraffe/ elephant
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a herd of cows/ buffalo / deer/ moose/ giraffe/ elephant (stado)
hounds / wolves/ cards/ lies
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a pack of hounds / wolves/ cards/ lies
puppies / kittens/ piglets
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a litter of puppies / kittens/ piglets
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a shoal of fish (lawica ryb)
bees and all insects
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a swarm of bees and all insects
bushes/ flowers (when still growing in a garden)
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a clump of bushes/ flowers (when still growing in a garden) kępa
flowers (for carrying)
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a bouquet of flowers
laundry/ firewood / faggots
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a bundle of laundry/ firewood / faggots(tobół)
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a medley / selection of tunes (składanka)
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a block of flats
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a suite of rooms
houses / grapes (which are still growing)
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a cluster of houses / grapes
footballers/ oxen
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a team of footballers/ oxen
beautiful girls
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a bevy of beautiful girls (grono)
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a board of directors
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a panel / team of experts
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a sheaf of wheat
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an assembly of churchmen
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a fleet of ships
tables (a group that 'll fit under each other nealthy)
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a nest of tables
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a set of teacups
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a news bulletin
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a crowd of people
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a hum of conversation
tourists / sightseers
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hordes/ droves of tourists / sightseers
samples / loaves / letters
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a batch of samples / loaves / letters
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a chain of shops
hair/ grass
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a tuft of hair/ grass
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a range of mountains
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a wad of notes
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a consensus of opinion
books / magazines / newspapers (that could be carried)
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a pile of books / magazines / newspapers
books / magazines / newspapers (lying about)
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a heap of books / magazines / newspapers
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a confederation of states
flowers (an area where they grow)
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a bed of flowers

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