Collocations 5

 0    22 schede    FairyFeller
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Domanda Risposta
newly qualified teacher
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początkujący nauczyciel
face the challenge
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stawić czoła wyzwaniu
gain respect
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zyskać respekt
tough challenge
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poważne wyzwanie
w pełni wykwalifikowany
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pending results
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w oczekiwaniu na wyniki
milestone passed
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major life event behind him
difficult to pin down
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trudno to określić
underestimate the value of
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gift for languages
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dar do języków
take a boat
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wybrać się w rejs łodzią
jump at the chance
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To immediately accept an offer; to seize an opportunity.
miss/ pass up the chance
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przepuścić szansę
stand a chance / get the chance
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mieć szansę
to be in with a chance
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to have a good chance of achieving something
to rise to the challenge
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stanąć na wysokości zadania
to pose a challenge
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stanowić wyzwanie
a direct challenge
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bezpośrednie wyzwanie
provide translation
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commit to memory
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do one's best
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zrobić co w mocy
make a point
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zwrócić uwagę

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