
 0    42 schede    FairyFeller
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Domanda English Risposta English
possess one's ambition
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possess one's ambitions
thoroughly enjoy
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thoroughly enjoy
be lacking in iron
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be lacking in iron
in good time
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in good time
price sth out
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to make sth overpriced
genuinely moved by sth
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genuinely moved by sth
it won't make a scrap of decision
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it won't make a scrap of decision
a bumper harvest
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a bumper harvest
update sb on sth
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update sb on sth
momentous year/ momentous decision/ momentous event
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momentous year/ momentous decision/ momentous event
time wears on
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time wears on
productive discussions/ fruitful discussions
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productive discussions/ fruitful discussions
I whole-heartedly agree
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I whole-heartedly agree
adversely affected
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adversely affected
passionately committed
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passionately committed
slowly but surely
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slowly but surely
in the twinkling of an eye
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in the twinkling of an eye
since time immemorial
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since time immemorial
a long-standing agreement
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a long-standing agreement
in a matter of minutes
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in a matter of minutes
scan the horizon
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scan the horizon
four years running
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four years running
fill time with sth
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fill time with sth
my watch seems to be gaining several minutes a day
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my watch seems to be gaining several minutes a day
in the closing stages
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in the closing stages
with immaculate timing
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with immaculate/perfect timing
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take aback/ set aback
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be surprised
conjure up a dramatic picture
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conjure up a dramatic picture
run amok
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run amok
argument has broken out
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argument has broken out
cheering like mad
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cheering like mad
as time passes
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as time passes
be on the rise
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be on the rise
diminish in direct proportion
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diminish in direct proportion
in every other home
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in every other home
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The most important cause of the global depression at that time was a resurgence of protectionism.
carry news
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carry news
vivid impression
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vivid impression
tally with
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to match with sth
mourn sb's passing
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mourn sb's passing
potted version
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summarized version

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