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as much as / as many as
1. You can drink as much water as you want. 2. There were as many as 500 people at the concert
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tanto como / tantos como
MUCH (se usa con sustantivos incontables o para enfatizar cantidad o esfuerzo.) MANY (expresión que se usa para hablar de grandes cantidades de algo, especialmente cuando el número es sorprendente o inesperado.)
true. / truth
it's true (adjective). / the truth (noun)
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cierto. / verdad
Between/ Among
1. our house is between the supermarket and the drugstore. 2. The negotiations between Colombia, Brazil and Chile are going well. / 1. I have a pair of socks among the shirts. 2... The negotiations among the countries of south America are going well.
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Entre / entre o en Medio de...
"between" se usa con elementos individuales y específicos. "among" para grupos o elementos no definidos claramente.
Annoy / Upset / Mad / Angry
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Molestar / Disgustado / Furioso / Enfadado
1. molestia a alguien (leve). 2. un estado emocional. 3. enojo intenso(+ norte americano). 4. enojo que puede variar de intensidad
Well / good
adv / adj
1. she -sing- very well. 2. that sounds very good
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Bien / bueno
1. se usa con acciones. 2. se usa para describir
(this / that) (these / those)
1: singular (she, he, it = 3rd person). 2. plural (we, they, you)
this sound(s)... vs. these sound...
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(esto / eso, aquello) (estos / esos, aquellos)

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