dodatek 4

 0    15 schede    thomasch818
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Domanda English Risposta English
This is everything, that you need to live.
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This is everything, that you need to live.
Do you think, he would allow that?
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Do you think, he would allow that?
Does he own a car?
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Does he own a car?
Luckily it was just a bad dream.
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Luckily it was just a bad dream.
He asked her an uncomfortable question.
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He asked her an uncomfortable question.
The bananas aren’t ripe yet.
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The bananas aren’t ripe yet.
I didn’t know he was ill.
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I didn’t know he was ill.
Has the plane from Sydney landed already.
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Has the plane from Sydney landed already.
I need a beer.
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I need a beer.
There is a fountain in the middle of the market square.
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There is a fountain in the middle of the market square.
Was she at the party?
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Was she at the party?
Are you sure this is the best option?
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Are you sure this is the best option?
Where were you born?
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Where were you born?
I want to buy a one way ticket.
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I want to buy a one way ticket.
Fulfil duties with due caution.
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Fulfil duties with due caution.

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