dzsudit neni part 2

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Domanda Risposta
elégedett lenni valamivel
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to be pleased with
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népszerű lenni valamivel
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to be popular with
hogy kiallja a probat
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to take the test
sportosan elegáns
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casually elegant
ereje teljében van
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to be all power with
kiengedett haj
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loose hair
figyelmeztetni valakit valamire
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to warned somebody to something
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hogy bebizonyítsa magát
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to prove oneself
ugyanakkor más részről
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megveti a lábát neki indul
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to get the foot in the door
még akkor is ha
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even thought
hogy elnyerje a törvényes jogot arra
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to win the legal right to
egyenlő feltételekkel
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on equal terms with
ugyanaz, mint
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the same as
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to take part in
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south of
fő támogatója
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main supporr
hogy jól kijöjjön
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to get on well
a kemény fitnesz rutin
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to tough fitness routine
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