Elinga 16th Oct 2014 (40 min)

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czy możemy mieć lekcję jutro?
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Can we have our lesson tomorrow?
mały kotek
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Daisy ma jeden miesiąc.
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Daisy is one month old.
czy możemy mieć trzy lekcje w przyszłym tygodniu.
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Can we have three lessons next week.
czy możesz mi pomóc?
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Can you help me?
mniej więcej
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more or less
Mam małe mieszkanie w Polsce.
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I have a small flat in Poland.
Do you HAVE a small flat in Poland?
I don't HAVE a small flat in Poland.
Ona ma duże mieszkanie na Litwie.
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She has a big flat in Lithuania.
DOES she HAVE a big flat in Lithuania?
She doesn't HAVE a big flat in Lithuania.
My mamy dwa mieszkania w Niemczech.
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We have two flats in Germany.
DO you HAVE two flats in Germany?
We don't HAVE two flats in Germany.
kawałek ciasta, (lub: bardzo łatwe)
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a piece of cake
Czy masz brata?
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Do you have a brother?

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