En 22.12.16, 27.12.16

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Domanda English Risposta English
things - tell synonyme
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team - tell synonyme
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not be personal
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You don't go personal at work - You aren't personal at work
i did it with my hands
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i did it myself
It took me a lot of time - borring but not hard
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it was time consuming - it was daunting
She visited him
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She paid him a visit
She asked her about last night, past and past perfect
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She asked her what she'd been doing that night?
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She asked her what she was doing when Tom was murdered
stick, no every rule
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They don't stick to every rule
obey, give examples
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They don't obey every rule
follow, rule
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They don't follow every rule
stick, always, Bartek, plane
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Bartek always sticks to his plane
allergic to milk, diet, Damian
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Damian is allergic to milk but he never sticks to his diet
should, obey, law
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Everyone should obey the law
children, don't, obey, she
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Her children don't obey her
force, drink, driving
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My friends never force me to drink before driving
search in the past, his office
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He searched his neighbors' office
but he catch him in the past
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The doctor caught him
what did reporter say to him about his neighbor?
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The reporter told him to be closer to his neighbor
What do you want for your friends?
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I want my friend to be happy
What do you want from me?
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I want you to help me
What does she want from me?
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She wants you to love her
What don't you try?
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I try not to speak Polish
What did you decide last time?
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I decided not to spend too much money on clothes
What do you want from me? Not to be late
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I want you not to be late as always
What did you decide it comes to her?
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I decided no to be so rude for her
What do you try to do it comes to not sleeping
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I try not to sleep too much
What do you want from me it comes to swear?
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I want you not to swear at me
What would he like her?
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He would like her to go to the cinema with him
What did you try it comes to work
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I tried not to work hard everyday
not afford it
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I can't afford it
I was happy but i'm not now
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I got mad
give me first example with slight
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There is a slight difference
give me second example with slight
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There is a slight chance of rain
She was wrong because she went to the party. Why it was mistake?
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His older daughter wasn't allowed to go to the party but she did it
one more example - forbidden
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His older daughter was forbidden to go to the party
What was it? Some light?
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It was glitter
What did he think about his friend?
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He thought that his friend had touched his older daughter
What was his friend trying to do?
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His friend tried to explain himself
give me example with with matter of time
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It's the matter of when you get fluent
give me second example with matter of time
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It will be ok, It's just the matter of time
way takes thirty minutes
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It takes me thirty minutes to get here

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