En el Avion

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en el avion
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on the plane
el pasaporte
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señores pasajeros enderecen sus asientos, por favor
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gentlemen passengers straighten your seats please
abrochen los sinturones de seguridad
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fasten your seat belts
el avion iniciara el despegue
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the plane will start take off
azafata traigame una bebida por favor
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stewardess bring me a drink please
necesito una pasatilla para el mareo
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I need a tablet for dizziness
aqui tiene
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here you go
Que desea para la cena?
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What do you want for dinner?
ahora no comeré no me siento bien
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now i won't eat i don't feel good
azafata donde esta el baño?
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stewardess where is the bathroom?
atravezamos por una zona turbulenta
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we go through a turbulent zone
aseguren sus sinturones y mantenganse sentado
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fasten your seat belts and stay seated

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