eng 17

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wprawić w zakłopotanie
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to confound; His amazing recovery confounded the medical specialists.
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to look out FOR sth
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geek, nerd; swot; a computer geek
kadencja (intonacja opadająca, syganlizująca zakończenie pewnego odcinka mowy) (harmonia)
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cadence /keidens/; the way someone's voice rises and falls, especially when reading out loud
żargon informatyczny
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geek speak
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to justify
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! In spoken English it is more usual to say that you go to a place or go to see/go and see a person or place: We went to the Louvre. | I'm going to see my mother.
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powodzenia in inglese
break a leg, especially before a play in a theatre
fatum, pech
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jinxed; often having bad luck, or making people have bad luck; They seem to be jinxed when it comes to playing in the UK.
patyczki do uszu
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ear buds, cotton buds, cotton swabs

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