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Urządzamy imprezę w sobotę, dasz radę przyjść?
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We're having a party on Saturday, can you make it?
Bez zmian. Po staremu.
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'How's work going?' 'Oh, you know. Same old same old.'
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my ole man (written)
Bez zmian. Po staremu.
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* same Ole, same Ole = same old, same old = nothing new
średniego wzrostu
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Marina is of medium height.
Jest hipochondryczką, zna wszystkie dostępne na rynku leki OTC.
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It is a hypochondriac, he knows all the OTC market. OTC drugs
tom, tomisko, księga
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/toum/ volume, tome - a (usually) large and scholarly book
położyć dziecko spać
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to put a baby to sleep
kalesony; bielizna, którą wkładamy pod, żeby było cieplej
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thermals - special warm clothing, especially underwear, worn under your other clothes; thermal underwear
ciepłe źródła
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thermal springs
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thermal baths
na Malediwach
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in the Maldives /mol-/
IT guy (inf)
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zadedykowany dla
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This book is dedicated to my daughter.
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uniform resource locator
Wrócę do ciebie...
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I'll get back to you on my decision
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query about
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Give us a ring if you have any queries about the contract.
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Staff are always available to answer your queries.
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it was a pleasure talking to you the other day.
spaść z drabiny
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to fall down the ladder
na jutrzejszym konkursie tanecznym
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AT tomorrow's dance contest
to break one's neck / back to do sth - dać z siebie wszystko
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I broke my neck to be at work on time.
to break one's neck / back to do sth = To make the utmost possible effort.
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I broke my neck to get here on time. There is no point IN breaking your back. Take your time.
rozbić jajko
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break an egg
rozbić się na pół
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break in half / in two
waza do zupy
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mieć temperaturę
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have a temperature, to be running a temperature
mieć łaskotki
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to be ticklish
zobowiązany prawem
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You are required by law to wear a seat belt.

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