ENG- ENG prepositions 13-1

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Domanda English Risposta English
to be getting at
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to be trying to say or suggest
to be held up
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to be delayed
to be off
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to depart, be rotten
to be over
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to finish
to be/get tied up with
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to be/get involved with sth, has no time
to come along
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to progress, appear, arrive
to come off
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To turn out to be successful
to come out
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to appear, becvome visiable, become known
to come out (of problems)
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to be solved
to come through
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to arrive (by post, etc.)
to come up
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to arise, be put forward
to come up with
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to present, propose, invent
to cover up
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to wrap up, hide
to do in
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to finish, get sth done, kill sb
to drop by / in/ over / round
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to pay a casual visit
to get away
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to escape
to get away with
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to pursue an action which maight result in blame, punishment
to get back
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to recover possesion of sth, return home
to get in
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to enter
to get into
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to acquire
to get on
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to make progress, be successful, live in sociable way
to get out of
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to escape, avoid
to get over
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to recover form
to get round sb
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to persuade sb into some action to with was opposed
to get through
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to finish successfully
to go along
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to proceed
to go over
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to examine, study or review carefully
to grow up
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to become adult

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