ENG- ENG prepositions 13-2

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Domanda English Risposta English
to hang on
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to wait
to hit it off with
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to agree, get on well
to hold sth against sb
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to have a bad opinion, blame sth on, press sth against someone
to hold back
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to hesitate, show unwillingness / keep a secret / impede the progress of
to let sb off
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to excuse, not punish
to look away
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to turn one's eye away
to look through
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to revise, examine, look for the inf
to make up
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to form, constitute, compose
to make up for
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to compensate
to put away
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to return to proper place
to put out
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to produce, issue, broadcast
to put together
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to construct by combining parts
to send for
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to ask to come
to shut off
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to stop the supply or frow of sth
to slip through (one's fingers)
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to fail to grasp, keep
to sort out
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to put in good order, to solve
to stand in for
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to take the place of
to take in
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to understand, absorb, digest mentally
to take off
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to remove
to take up
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to begin a hoppy, sport, etc.
to trace back
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to find the orgin of sth by going back throuh evidence
to turn into
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become, change into
to turn out
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to develop, prove to be / be in the end
to turn up
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to make one's appearance, arrive
to work up
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to excite, stir up
to get sth across to sb
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to cause sth to be understood
to hang about / around
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to be standing or loitering about, doing nothing definite
to speak up / out
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to give one's opinion without hesitation

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