English 47

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Gdzie zwykle robisz zakupy?
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Where do you normally shop?
w supermarkecie
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at the supermarket
w lokalnych sklepach
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at the local shops
w Internecie
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on the Internet
na rynku, na bazarze, na jarmarku
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at the market
dogodny, wygodny, poręczny
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Wszystkie małe sklepy zniknęły
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All the small shops have gone
Supermarket jest tańszy niż lokalne sklepy
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The supermarket is cheaper than the local shops
Lokalne sklepy nie są tak tanie jak supermarket
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The local shops aren’t as cheap as the supermarket
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dostawa do domu
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home delivery
godziny otwarcia
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opening hours
Jak często robisz zakupy w supermarkecie?
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How often do you shop at the supermarket?
Który wolisz?
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Which do you prefer?
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osobisty, indywidualny
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Z drugiej strony...
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On the other hand...
sposób na zakupy
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way of shopping
różne rodzaje zakupów
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different kinds of shopping

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