English for Nursing 2 - Unit 8 - Patient discharge

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Domanda English Risposta English
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If I break my leg, will I need crutches?
non-slip mat
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If you are worried you will slip in the bath, you can get a non-slip mat.
leg brace
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If you have problems with your leg, you might need a leg brace.
raised toilet seat
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A raised seat can help you with toileting.
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Do you need a wheelchair?
shower chair
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A shower chair helps with taking a shower.
grab bar
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You might need a grab bar in the bathroom.
bath lift
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If you use a bath lift to get into the bath, it is easier.
walking frame/ walker
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Do you need help with walking? Maybe a walking frame?
walking stick
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Do you need a walking stick, to help you with walking?

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