English Metaphores&Words of wisdom+some phrasal verbs and words

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to keep an amount of money for a time in the future when you might need it
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save for a rainy day
don't give up when there's still a chance you may succeed
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never say die
don't put too much importance on just one thing, because if that fails you have nothing
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don't put all your eggs in one basket
try again, don't give up
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if at first you don't succeed, try try again
look after the details (monetary or other) and the larger issues will also be taken care of
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take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
accept other people's actions, although they may have a different way of living than yours
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live and let live
don't be ungrateful when you receive a gift
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don't look a gift horse in the mouth
don't talk about your private problems in public
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don't wash your dirty linen in public
before you do something, think of it
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look before you leap
don't exaggerate the importance of something
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don't make a mountain out of a molehill
plan your aims taking your abilities into consideration
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cut your coat according to your cloth
if a criticism of you is true, accept it
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if the cap fits, wear it
information about misfortune or trouble disseminates quickly
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bad news travels fast
we are never satisfied with what we have
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the more you have the more you want
success breeds further success
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nothing succeeds like success
you must work yourself to get what you want and not depend solely on divine help
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God helps them that help themselves
doing something all over again is the only way to learn to do it well
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practice makes perfect
someone may do something bad and not be punished but that does not mean you're allowed to do bad things
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two wrongs don't make a right
it's no use in worrying about something that you can't change now
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don't cry over spilt milk
don't delay doing something that you can do immediately
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don't put off to tomorrow what you can do today
if you have an opportunity to do something, do it before it expires
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make hay while the sun shines
treat others in the same way as you would like to be treated
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do as you would be done by
wait until a good thing you expect really happens before you make plans about it
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don't count your chickens before they're hatched
don't worry about the problems before they arrive
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don't cross your bridges before you come to them
someone who doesn't settle in one place rarely prospers
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a rolling stone gathers no moss
people who are very quiet may be interesting
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still waters run deep
if you eavesdrop someone saying gossips, you may hear something unpleasant about you
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eavesdroppers hear no good of themselves
life is much more pleasant if we treat each other lovingly
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love makes the world go round
what you do is more important than what you say
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actions speak louder than words
too many people working on the same piece of work will spoil it
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too many cooks spoil the broth
you blame the objects you use for your own mistakes
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a bad workman blames his tools
being apart from someone that you love makes you love him even more
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absence makes the heart grow fonder
success comes to those who prepare well and put effort
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the early bird catches the worm
new boss makes changes
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a new broom sweeps clean
dreams should be interpreted as the opposite of them
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dreams go by contraries
even misfortune can benefit someone
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it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
people stop respecting others when they know them very well
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familiarity breeds contempt
to be deceived, cheated
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to be taken for a ride
to take a nap
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to have forty winks
to save money
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to tighten one's belt
to reveal a secret
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let the cat out of the bag
to make an embarassing mistake
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to put one's foot in it
to become a better person
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to turn over a new leaf
to be unable to decide about something
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to be in two minds about something
they were stolen
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they fell off the back of a lorry
to be an accountant
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to cook the books
to be nervous
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to have butterflies in one's stomach
to be very tired, exhausted
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to be on one's last legs
to be very happy
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to be over the moon
I can't be tricked, cheated
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there are no flies on me
to be bald, have little hair on one's head
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to be a bit thin on top
to suspect something wrong is going on - deception
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to smell a rat
can't talk
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to lose one's tongue
to be at the limits of one's endurance
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to be at the end of one's tether
to have nothing to do
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to be at loose end
to be frightened
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my hair stood on end
I was very surprised
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you could have knocked me down with a feather
I'll tell no one this secret, about this
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my lips are sealed
to be in a routine, boring habitual behaviour
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to be in a rut
to lose control of your emotions
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to lose one's head
to lose one's temper
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to blew one's top
to be very talkative, to be able to talk much
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I have got the gift of the gab
to be good at gardening
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to have green fingers
to be over the moon
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to be tickled pink
can't talk due to nervousness
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have a lump in one's throat
I was deceived
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he led me up the garden path
to become very angry
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to get hot under the collar
I forgot about it
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it slipped my mind
they fired me, I was made redundant
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I was given the sack
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inquisitive, curious
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shabbily dressed
hard up
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poor, short of money
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vain, conceited
cheesed off
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fed up, bored
off one's head
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mad, insane
all thumbs
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very clumsy
dead beat
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completely exhausted
keyed up
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tense, excited
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sensible, practical
on the dole
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long in the tooth
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off colour
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ill, not well
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mean, miserly
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insensitive, not easily offended
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very frightening
look into
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pass out
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to faint
do up
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decorate, modernize
call off
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go out (fire)
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stop burning
pass away
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turn down
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blow up
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look up to
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admire, respect
get over
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recover from
call on
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own up
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drop off
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fall asleep
put off
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give in
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yield, surrender - poddać się
go with
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match, suit
fall out
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food for thought
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something to think about
a half-baked idea
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badly thought-out
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reproduce without thinking
put aside some time for oneself
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keep time free
waste precious time
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using time badly (not doing anything with your life)
live on borrowed time
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survive after you would expect to be dead
can't afford to spend time doing something
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don't have time to do something
a flash of inspiration
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a clever idea that comes suddenly
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not very intelligent
shine at something
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be especially good at something
construct (a theory)
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develope (a theory)
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help prove
fall down (e.g. an idea)
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fails because of a particular reason
the foundation
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(make) a killing
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(make) a big profit
launch an aggressive campaign
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begin an intense series of actions
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aim at
join forces
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merge together
big cheese
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an important, influential person
couch potato
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a person who lives a sedentary lifestyle, never doing any exercise
loose cannon
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an unpredictable person who may cause damage if he/she is uncontrolled
rotten apple
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one bad person who has a bad effect on all others in the group
tough cookie
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someone who is strong enough to deal with difficult or violent situations
wet blanket
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a negative person who ruins other people's good times
get across
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communicate your message clearly
come across
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meet/find by chance
look up
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search for information, e.g. in a dictionary
make up
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invent, e.g. a story
carry on
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hold on
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watch out
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be careful
work out
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calculate something
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a person who agrees with bosses or people above him
whiz kid
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a young person who is exceptionally intelligent and clever
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a person who is interested too much in other's people's lifes
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very talkative person who speaks too much
pain in the neck
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very annoying person
dark horse
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a person who reveals little about himself or his activities, especially one who has unexpected abilities or talents
old hand
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old handa person who is skilled at something through long experience
set in one's ways
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conservative person
black sheep
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a member of a group who is considered undesirable, the bad person
life and soul of the party
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a very social person
go downhill
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go badly
find oneself at crossroads
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having to choose one thing or another
go far
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have a great future
reach the peak
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become number one

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