English Three

 0    23 schede    bartolek
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Domanda English Risposta English
would, eat
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I'd eat you
business card, give in the past, I didn't
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He gave me his business card. I couldn't give it to him because I didn't have it
finish - synonym
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do a task - synonym
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finish a task, complete a task
deal with a task - synonym
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handle a task, cope with a task
assign, three tasks
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My boss assigned me three difficult tasks yesterday
I was assign
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I was assigned a very hard task
apps again
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I'll install the apps again
hard strangle
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weird and awkward
hard pronounce
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It's difficult to pronounce it
posses, money
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I like posses money
struggle is not a strangle, but it's try hard
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She struggled to escape from house but the door was locked
hard, difficult and?
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hard, difficult and tough
would, see, him
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I'd like see him
my type - dark, hair, men, eye, women
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I usually prefer dark haired men and blue eyed women
I'm not into psyhology and you
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Is Damian into psychology
into somebody?
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Are you into him?
chase and to be chased
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Sometimes I like chase after somebody and sometimes I like to be chased
reserved - synonym
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reserved - with distance, aloof
mental ill
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an insane person
something like board
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I couldn't set boundaries
keep looking
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He kept looking at me
decisive and not decisive
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decisive and indecisive

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