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hand in hand
if two people are hand in hand, they are holding each other's hand. They walked through the park hand in hand.
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ręka w rękę
go hand in hand
if two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and one thing causes the other. Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand.
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w ścisłym powiązaniu
feel at one's best
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czuć się najlepiej
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z pewnością
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z pewnością
to go a long way towards doing sth
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bardzo w czymś pomóc
to pamper
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rozpieszczać, rozpieścić
to pamper oneself
Pamper yourself with our new range of beauty treatments.
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sprawiać, sprawić sobie przyjemność
to prove-proved-proved/proven
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dowodzić, dowieść, udowodnić
resistant [to sth]
Mosquitoes are becoming resistant to insecticides.
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odporny [na coś]
set in
bad weather, rain
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nadchodzić, nadejść (wygląda na to że pozostanie)
to rear one's ugly head
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dawać, dać o sobie znać
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to keep up
The rain kept up all afternoon.
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utrzymywać, utrzymać
to keep up one's spirits
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nie tracić ducha
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zatem, dlatego też
It's pretty hard to explain. You look so pretty in that dress!
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dosyć, śliczny
to approach
Winter is approaching.
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zbliżać, zbliżyć się, nadejść

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