Evans - CPE (Chpt 9&10)

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Domanda English Risposta English
be made up
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lead on
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persuade sb to believe or to do sth by making false promises
He was flirting with me, but then he said he had a girlfriend. I was totally lead on.
look after
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take care
look ahead
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think about the future
look at
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look back
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think about one's past
look down on
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The new neighbor looks down on us because our house is very modest.
look for
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search for
look in
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pay a short visit
look into
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investigate/examine the facts relating to sth
look on
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watch sth without taking part
look onto
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have a view
the window looks onto the garden
look out
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watch out; be careful
look out for
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1) search to find sth 2) be alert to see/find sb
Look out for an etremely vulgar lg in the movie.
look over
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examine (a place)
Please look over these papers. also: I think you had better have the doctor look you over.
look to
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rely on sb
Children look to their parents for help.
look up
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1) search for a word in a dictionary 2) visit (esp after a long time)
look up to
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Bill really looks up to his father.
make for
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head for
We made for the door.
make off with
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steal sth & hurry away with it
He made off with the Diors.
make out
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1) complete sth 2) claim to be 3) discern 4) understand
1) I made out the application. 2) They made me out to be a liar. 3) I could barely make out the traffic signs through the rain. 4) I could not make out what she said.
make over
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transfer the ownership
She made over the property to her son.
make sth into
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They've made the spare room into an office.
make up
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1) invent (a story) 2) end a quarell 3) compensate for sth 4) put cosmetics on sb's face 5) form
1) She made up a nice excuse. 2) They made up and kissed each other. 3) make up for lost time 4) After making up, I'm ready to go. 5) Ten years make up a decade.
make up for
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compensate sb for the trouble
rise up
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rule out
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The rainy weather ruled out a picnic for the weekend.
call off
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live on sb/sth
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get the money needed from
She has been living off (dictionary version) her savings since she lost her job in December.
live through
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experience over time
I know I can't live through another attack. (?)
live up to
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reach the standard that maybe expected
A new technology did not live up to our expectations.
live with
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tolerate/accept sth & endure it
He disliked the situation but had to live with it.
meet with
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have as a reaction
miss out
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forget to include
move on to
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pass to another subject
narrow down
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note down
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pass over
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ignore, overlook
hand over
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phase out
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gradually stop using
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discover gradually
put about
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spread rumours
put across
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communicate, convey
He's very good at putting his ideas across.
put aside/by
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save for later use
put away
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put into confinement
put back
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put down
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write in a particular place
put down to
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attribute to
I put his bad humor down to his illness.
put forward
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put in (a request)
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make an official request
put in for
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1) apply for 2) make an official request
put off
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1) discourage 2) postpone
1) The cheese looked nice but the smell put me off.
put on
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1) gain weight 2) pretend to have 3) advance 4) clothe oneself with 5) present
2) She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on. 3) The car put on speed. 5) They're putting on `Hamlet' next week.
put out
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The fire brigade soon put out the fire.
put sb up
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give accommodation to
Sally is putting me up for the weekend.
put sth behind one
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deliberately forget
Janek wants to put the tragedy behind him.
put through
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1) carry sth out 2) cause sb to undergo (an ordeal)
1) put the project through on time 2) He put me through a lot of trouble.
put through to sb
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connect by telephone
The operator put me through on the office line.
put up with
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